uav manufacturer - anti-drone - • Freshvale
Unmanned Technologies
Anti-drone Technologies
Hybrid Networks
Social Media Analytics
Border Control
Unmanned Technologies
We specialize in design, development and production of unmanned vehicles and robotic platforms of any feasible types and sizes based on proprietary military grade autopilot.
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Anti-drone Technologies
Range of state-of-the-art drone detection and neutralization equipment for various concepts of operations.
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Hybrid Networks
Multi layer virtual platform for seamless secured communications and connectivity in any type of environment.
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Social Media Analytics
Range of tools for omni-way collection of information from social media and sophisticated analytics based on proprietary “artificial Intuition” text processing algorithms.
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Border Control
Our company specializes in design and production of integrated security systems, data acquisition & display systems, access control systems, mobile alarm complexes, perimeter detectors and special locks.
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Our Unmanned Aeiral Vehicles can be used for inspections in a wide range of industries: oli & gas, power grid, agriculture, construction, security services, flora & fauna studies, environmental monitoring, telecome, education, civil services, defense industry, disaster management, mapping and surveying, media and entertainment and more.
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FRESHVALE - Empowering Technology, Developing new markets

We provide the most promising high-tech solutions to the existing problems.



FV-550 (Albatross)

ALBATROSS is based on Pipistrel Sinus Aircraft and designed for long-term flights in conditions of high turbulence and overload.

The reinforced fuselage and chassis are designed for tough landing on unpaved airfields and prepared sites. The UAV can serve as a platform for a payload of up to 200 kg and has an operating time of up to 24 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions.

Heavy VTOL UAV 150H

HEAVY VTOL UAV 150H is a high-speed compact gasoline-powered helicopter with extended flight endurance and payload capacity.

The operating time of the VTOL UAV is up to 8 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions. The UAV serves as a platform for various payloads up to 150 kg.




VTOL UAV HE-25 is a portable high-speed electric-powered helicopter.

The operating time of the VTOL UAV is up to 1,5 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions. The UAV serves as a platform for various payloads up to 5 kg.


VTOL UAV 170S is a portable high-speed gasoline-powered helicopter with extended flight endurance.

The operating time of the VTOL UAV is up to 6 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions. The UAV serves as a platform for various payloads up to 5 kg.



Borey 10

BOREY 10 is designed for tactical missions with increased flight time.

The operating time of the UAV is up to 4 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions. The UAV serves as a tactical platform for various payloads up to 2 kg, with a Max cruising speed of 60km/h and a Stall speed of 47 km/h

Borey 20

BOREY 20 is designed for tactical missions with increased flight time.

The operating time of the UAV is up to 5 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions. The UAV serves as a tactical platform for various payloads up to 4 kg, with a Max cruising speed of 70km/h and a Stall speed of 47 km/h


SITARIA is designed for monitoring missions with increased flight time and range. The operating time of the UAV is up to 12 hours, depending on the altitude and operating conditions.

The UAV serves as a platform for various payloads up to 10 kg. Can be equipped with gasoline/ electric engines.


Services We Provide

Cargo Delivery

Our drones are capable of farther and faster delivery of cargos of up to 500 kg in diverse environments, for companies and public entities.

Orthophoto & Video

We provide accurate and detailed aerial photography and videography services to companies and governmental institutions.

Monitoring of Safe Zones

Our UAV systems can be used and integrated in critical defense and security applications, as well as for the monitoring of safe zones and sensitive sites.

IR Monitoring

From rescue operations to infrastructure inspections and more, IR Monitoring by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and sensor payloads can help save precious lives, prevent accident, and save time and money in installations maintenance.

Mapping and Surveying

Surveying with drones reduces the cost of a site survey and the workload of GIS specialists while providing the same or higher quality as the highly accurate measurements collected by traditional methods, in the field.

Disaster Management

In disaster management, our UAVs can assist not only in surveying the affected area but also assist in establishing a communication network between the disaster survivors, rescue teams and nearest available cellular infrastructure.


FV Frontier
A Complex Perimeter Security Solution

FV Frontier is a fully integrated, perimeter monitoring and protection solution, that can be used for the protection of infrastructures, border control and the establishment of Invisible perimeters. Completely modular and wireless, the system is designed to work on any terrain and weather conditions.

Watch our video below to know more.

Why Work With Us

Industry Experience
More than 10 years serving clients all over the world
A Team of professionals
Our management and engineers are all top professionals in their field, with years of experience.
Innovation first
We are constantly pushing the limits of what technology can do, by providing the most innovative approach in solving defense and security challenges.
Cost Effective
We believe that hi-tech solutions should be non cost-prohibitive in order to benefit all man-kind.
Client centric approach
We are a result driven company, always putting the needs of our clients first.
More than 10 years serving clients all over the world
Our management and engineers are all top professionals in their field, with years of experience.
We are constantly pushing the limits of what technology can do, by providing the most innovative approach in solving defense and security challenges.
We believe that hi-tech solutions should be non cost-prohibitive in order to benefit all man-kind.
We are a result driven company, always putting the needs of our clients first.

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Use Cases

Our products are designed to fit a wide range of use cases, and solve different security and defense challenges for both commercial and public institutions.

Perimeter security & monitoring

For the detection of intrusions on critical infrastructure areas such as airports, seaports.
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Sensitive sites protection

For sites requiring to secure both the perimeter and sensitive areas throughout the facility.
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Law enforcement and Intelligence agencies

We provide a variety of equipments to support and improve the efficiency of law enforcement agencies.
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Gaz and Petroleum Companies

For both the monitoring, inspection and support in diverse activities of Gas and Oil industries.
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