Radio Frequency (RF) Jammers • Freshvale

Radio Frequency (RF) Jammers

Cellular Intelligence

Radio Frequency (RF) Jammers

Family of advanced radio frequency jamming solutions.


Military, law enforcement and intelligence institutions all over the Globe require radio frequency jamming solutions for following purposes

  • Blocking communication channels in public and secured areas, crime places or combat zones
  • Preventing remote detonation of bombs (RCIED – remotely controlled improvised explosive devices)


Range of cutting-edge radio frequency jamming devices in various form-factors that are designed to block radio-based communication devices. Having capability of selective jamming of specific bands in wide spectrum 10-6000 MHz and various jamming techniques (sweep, reactive, active, hybrid), our solutions are capable of successfully performing any feasible communication neutralization mission.


• Stationary systems

• Vehicle-based systems

• Portable systems in pelican cases

• Body-worn backpack systems

• Customized solutions

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