FV-AIA • Social Media Analytics • Freshvale



FV-AIA is a sophisticated data analyzing software, that emulates the way that well-versed human experts “read” texts and reach “intuitive” conclusions, detect anomalies and reduce ambiguity through extra-linguistic information (e.g. social, cultural and religious concepts).

It serves government agencies for Detection of Threats (narcotics, IEDs, radical religious ideologies), Public Opinion Monitoring, Political and Financial Researches.

FV-AIA works offline, processing textual data uploaded by the operators (up to 100 000 documents/ 2 000 000 posts per day).

Technical Specification

It serves government agencies for Detection of Threats (narcotics, IEDs, radical religious ideologies), Public Opinion Monitoring, Political and Financial Researches.

FV-AIA works offline, processing textual data uploaded by the operators (up to 100 000 documents/ 2 000 000 posts per day).


  • Analysis of Media (e.g. mainstream media, social media, forums, etc.) for political, social and security situational awareness: Iranian subversion, radical Shiite groups and Iranian-proxy organizations (Hezbollah, Iraqi PMU), extremist ideological movements (Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, al-Qa’eda etc.) and general social unrest. All this in multiple languages, including colloquial Arabic and “Arabeezi”.
  • Analysis of Big Data (e.g. archives, data bases, legal discoveries, investigation cases, etc) for legal, political, social, security data integrity and comprehension.
  • Real time “content forensics” of digital media (captured phones, computers) in counter-terrorism operations.
  • Enhancement of border control by analysis and matching of names on flight manifests, visa lists, Interpol/Europol terrorist watch lists.
  • Mining the Darkweb for potential cyber risks to critical infrastructure such as oil and gas facilities.
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